big city Logistical Snapshot - Vanguard International Solutions Inc.
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        Logistical Snapshot

        Logistical Snapshot


        Currently, most vessels are now operational. However, there is tremendous equipment shortage, spread across Asia due to extreme export volume. This coupled with their inability to unload in the USA (due to congestion at terminals, rail ramps, and importer facilities) has created numerous logistical challenges.

        Quick fixes have added a new layer of complication:

        • Carriers have prohibited certain exports from USA to speed up the repositioning of empty equipment back to Asia.

        • Additionally, carriers have declined some bookings from Asia to US Inland points.

        • Finally, carriers will not position empty equipment to inland cities, which means those inland cities’ exports will depend on import container’s empty only.

        Here are some examples:

        • Lianyungang / Wuhan / Wuzhou are not BASE ports. These river ports, or small barge seaports, are having serious equipment issues.

        • This situation also exists for non-base port locations outside of China, such as freight moving from Cambodia, Indonesia, etc.

        This scenario applies to most locations needing logistical equipment to be resupplied from major base ports/mother vessels. However, it is not limited to smaller origin ports…it is simply more severe.


        Estimates for moving thru LALB

        In summary, delays continue moving freight via the Pacific Southwest (Los Angeles/Long beach)

        • 3-7 days delay for vessels in LALB harbor

        • 5-7 days to unload ship

        • 7-14 days for truckers to pick up local cargo

        • 7-50 days to move cargo to a rail for inland point.

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